Tuesday, June 21, 2005

How Do You Make a Sandwich?

We would all agree [I hope] that communication is a critical component of mediation. In fact, Florida’s Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators,

Rule 10.220, Mediator's Role provides in part “The role of the mediator is to reduce obstacles to communication . . .”


Rule 10.230, Mediation Concepts provides in part “Mediation is based on concepts of communication, negotiation, facilitation, and problem-solving . . . .”

Of course, you know how to make a sandwich – right? How would you explain [i.e. communicate] that to an extra-terrestrial? No, really, think about it!! For example, you might start by saying, “Take 2 slices of bread.” Stop! You’re assuming the extra-terrestrial [we’ll call it E.T. – not the movie] knows what bread is, let alone what a slice of bread is. Get the idea!

Well, if you want to actually learn how to communicate and mediate with E.T., here’s a course for you [I am not making this up]. Once you get through the basics, and after the mid-semester break, on October 26th you’ll learn how to apply principles of Conflict Resolution and Mediation to E.T. affairs.

It’s not too late to register! If you do enroll, please let me know how you do on the final exam!

To email me, click Perry S. Itkin.
Visit the Mediation Training Center.