Monday, September 26, 2005

FEMA to Hire Mediators for Temporary Disaster Deployment

FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) has posted announcements for highly qualified “Conflict Resolution Specialists” and “Alternative Dispute Resolution Attorneys” to join a special ADR team to assist in disaster response and recovery. A total of 25 positions will be filled. This has been put on the fast track. Closing date for these positions is Monday, October 10th, 2005. Training will take place in late October or November. Deployment of some team members will take place soon thereafter. Compensation, travel and per diem are included for all training and deployment assignments.

Questions and resumes should be submitted ONLY to the email in the job opportunity announcements. If you are very experienced and qualified in mediation and conflict resolution, please submit your resume as soon as possible.

For Conflict Resolution Specialists (non-attorneys) click here.

For ADR Attorneys click here.

To email me, click Perry S. Itkin.