Monday, August 15, 2005

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

Okay, it’s not exactly a picture but there is something wrong. According to this article in Jacksonville’s Daily News and Financial Record, it’s a good idea [and I agree] to read court orders referring parties to mediation and it references segments of the court order in that judicial circuit. So, what’s wrong here? Hint: F.S. 44.302 referenced in the court order no longer exists! It has been replaced by F.S. 44.102. All to say, if you do read the Mediation Orders you receive from the court you might want to check the rule and statutory references to see if they are the current ones. Actually, there’s another reason to check those references and that is to keep up to date since, as you know, mediators have an ethical obligation to do so under Florida’s Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators:

Rule 10.520. Compliance with Authority.

A mediator shall comply with all statutes, court rules, local court rules, and administrative orders relevant to the practice of mediation.

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