According to this article in The Connecticut Law Tribune, a matrimonial lawyer was recently reprimanded for humming the “Twilight Zone” theme song during a conference [i.e., heated argument] about a proposed psychological examination for the former wife who questioned the need for such an exam.
We can learn from this lawyer’s experience[s]!
Florida’s Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators addresses this type of conduct in the following rules:
Rule 10.350. Demeanor
A mediator shall be patient, dignified, and courteous during the mediation process.
Rule 10.410. Balanced Process
A mediator shall conduct mediation sessions in an even-handed, balanced manner. A mediator shall promote mutual respect among the mediation participants throughout the mediation process and encourage the participants to conduct themselves in a collaborative, non-coercive, and non-adversarial manner. [Emphasis added.]
All to say, you would never do such a thing – right?!? Not even in caucus. But . . you knew that!!!
As an aside, I’ve been training and hence not posting; plus, a road construction worker knocked out a main telephone trunk line and our entire geographic quadrant is without telephone service. All to say, service is supposed to be restored sometime next week [sure!] and posting may be difficult over the next several days.
To email me, click Perry S. Itkin.